Saturday, June 7, 2014


"Every children's book brings a light in to a world full of darkness."  And if that's the case, NBDCS just lit up the entire region with yet another amazing AFCC!

In recent years, the festival has grown exponentially and it's due to the hard work and the long hours that Mr Rama, Kenneth and the whole team at NBDCS put in to make sure that it's an enjoyable and informative festival for everyone.

I'd like to think that my panel session with Emily Lim and Shamini Flint two years ago had something to do with the festival's continued success, or perhaps the performance of There's Soup on My Fly by ACT3 a year later had a small part in it too, but who am I kidding? It's all down to their indefatigible efforts to make it bigger and better every year. And my word, they have succeeded!

After a year of planning and a lot of hard work on their part, the 5th Annual AFCC was coming to a close with one big party.

Kathleen Ahrens kicked off the evening by sharing a few words before Festival Director, Kenneth, took to the podium to thank everyone and the invaluable NBDCS team, including the most energetic member Mr Rama. 

Then Mr Rama had a few words of thanks to say before everyone hit the buffet table and bottles of wine.

For the first time in months, everyone at the NBDCS let their hair down and truly began to relax for an evening with old and new friends.

I always feel this party is bitter-sweet because though we all had a wonderful time it signals time to part ways for another year or perhaps even longer. OK, so I am a sad, sorry, sappy, SAP but that's me. I admit it.

I'm really very proud of the team including" Adan, Carlo, Celine, Alicia, Jade, Judy,Vasantha, Preema, and Mr Rama for pulling off another amazing AFCC. And congratualations to the Board of Advisors led by Ms Claire Chiang. Long may AFCC continue. Anyway I'll stop rambling and let you have a look at some of the photos from the night.

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