Saturday, September 15, 2012

At the Gardens with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

The Duchess of Cambridge

Blow A Kiss, the book my mum gave the Duchess

So the Duchess thanked my mum for the books and chatted with me for a bit, I can't remember exactly what we talked about because I was in a state of shock that she actually accepted the books and was holding it!!! STARSTRUCK. She is stunning in person, I have to say. And then with a handshake and a smile she was off to meet the rest of the people who had turned up to see her. We all stood there in silence. Chantal had managed to pass her a bouquet of flowers, Ray managed to take some great shots and Mum managed not to faint! unlike some others. After the Duchess had left a reporter came to ask us some questions and my mum told him how I had given one of my previous books to Celine Dion and how she had a baby soon after. As it turns out the reporter thought it was the same book and reported about it in the London Evening Standard and in turn picked up by the following news outlets, click on the respective links to view:

London Evening Standard

The Express

The Mirror

 The Telegraph

Hello Magazine

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