Have you ever dreamt of being discovered and getting a publlsihing contract, having your books hit multiple best seller lists, having your creations turned into mega blockbuster movies which spawn a merchandising empire which reaps billions of dollars for you? If you say no--that's a big fat lie!!! I know I have. Aspiring authors and inspired illustrators, here's your chance to be discovered as the next JK Rowling or Neill Gaiman... (or just as plain you) at the Asian Festival of Children's Content. All you have to do is sign up for the festival here AFCC and then just submit the first 100 words of your manuscript for review by an international panel of editors and publishers. You won't get an opportunity like this elsewhere-EVER!! unless, of course, you're willing to pay thousands of $$$ on a plane ticket, hotel accomodations, and spend days waiting outside a publishing house only to have the rotating doors hit you in the face on the way in and on your behind on the way out. So grab this opportunity while you can. Register for the AFCC today!! Check out the terms and conditions below.
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