Just last week, I had the honor and the privilege of visiting the Australian International School to speak to about the process of writing kids books. I was kind of nervous at first but the thought that I probably had the same EQ as my audience of 6 to 8 year old kids eventually relaxed me.
Surprisingly, the kids were incredible mature, smart and forthcoming. A lot more mature than I am, that's for sure. When I asked what's the first thing a writer needs before he starts writing a book, their hands shot up and one kid said "A content page," another said "research". When I was their age, the only thing I reasearched was where the candy stand was at the school cafeteria. And I didn't even know that was considered research! Had no clue what research when I was that age!
Anyway, I gave them some words on some index cards, asked them to form groups and come up with stories using the words they were given. Guess what? It didn't take them long at all and they came up with some really intriguing story ideas! They're brilliant!
Thanks to Denise Jackson for arranging the visit. I had a fantastic time!
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