There's Soup on My Fly! is finally on the shelves at Borders Books and Music, along side my earlier books the Littlest Emperor and Monkey, the Classic Chinese Adventure Tale. I was taking a walk through the store after dinner with my friend Ray when I spotted it. Like a tourist, I had to take a picture. My friend explained to the lady stacking the books that I was the author. She gave me the once over and said, "eh" before going back to the task at hand. Could she have been any less enthused? I think not.
In other news, children's book author Adeline Foo, see one of the links below, just won the Little Red Dot award for her book The Diary of Amos Lee, congratulations, Adeline, Well done. The Little Red Dot Award is one of Singapore's first awards for children's literature.
Bookstore reading and signing today by best-selling author of 'Stones into Schools' Greg Mortenson. Looking forward to it. If anyone is in Singapore, stop by Borders at 2:30pm on Saturday and Kinokuniya at 3pm on Sunday. The man is doing great work. Check out his website.
I'm excited to see TSOMF on the shelves too! That's great news.