Wednesday, April 30, 2014

London Day Seven, 2014

Kenneth, Celine and I headed for breakfast at Costa Coffee for Celine's last day in London. Then we headed back to the hotel to finish packing up. While Celine decided on a touch of last minute shopping, I tagged along with Kenneth to his cousin's lovely home in Highgate. They have a lovely garden and I introduced Kim's ultra cute pet guinea pig, Shadow, to Kate. It's needless to say Shadow was not impressed.

Kenneth, Auntie Susanna and Mika had planned to spend part of their holiday in Paris and Holland and they kindly invited me along on their trip. At any other time, I would have jumped at the chance to go to Paris but my friends Gee and Chris had  already generously invited me to stay at their lovely home in Lambeth Walk for a long weekend.

After a nice lunch, prepared by Auntie Susanna, I took the tube back to Earl's Court, where Gee arranged to pick me up. I got back within an hour, had lunch and waited for Gee who was stuck in traffic. 

Celine arrived back after her shopping expedition, packed her purchases and waited for her airport transport to take her to Heathrow and her home-bound flight. Gee arrived shortly thereafter and we headed to his place. I had visited briefly two years ago and it really is a warm and inviting home, very nice, very comfortable and very welcoming.

I settled in the guest room and then we bussed it to Leicester Square for dinner. On our bus ride, we saw an Asian couple posing for wedding photos and a film crew shooting a movie at the houses of parliament. I assumed that it was Downton Abbey.

We stopped in a pub to have drinks with a friend and then we headed out for dinner. I was barely able to keep my eyes open so Gee kindly dropped me back at the house and I caught up with Chris for a bit before heading to bed.

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